As usual, I have been contemplating about getting back to blogging. As usual, there were again the umpteen number of ideas, topics, issues on which I felt I should express my views. As usual, I could not structure my thoughts and translate them into words.
Unusually, I thought of penning all of them together in a single post.
First thought: The barber : Maybe an important service marketing lesson

A possible lesson which I had harped upon in the title was that maybe while rendering a service, we could use tools such as music or the surrounding environment to make one remember the old, or as many say, the golden days of their youth, or even times gone by, the past. Maybe, the customer would relax in such a "familiar" environment. And maybe, this could make him not only a repeat customer, but also a well spending one.
Certainly a thought to ponder over!
Second Thought: A murder mystery तमाशा : Ban the inconsiderate channels?

I have only one thing to say. Bring the matter to a swift conclusion, and let the family grieve or be crucified for the crime committed. At the same time, let there be some civility. The media can not and should not conduct a public trial. News should be reported, not sensationalised or like many do not made into " breaking news" (Maybe watching " Good Night & Good Luck" should be made mandatory for everyone to understand what I mean here!).
The thought to ponder over here is: Can we as viewers, and hence as consumers of these channels, do something to enforce some sense of civility?
Third Thought: The Happening: What happened?

Because the movie never " happened".
The only possible interest left for many, like my brother , by half time, was how Subhash Ghai's छठी औलाद , the director of the movie, Mr. Shyamalan, would make his entry.
Alas, we were all disappointed once more. He too, never, "Happened".
The thought to ponder: Why was the movie made? What " Happened" Mr. Shyamalan?
I just dump these three random thoughts here. Not that many will read it, but at least I made the effort to pen down my thoughts. Who knows, there may be some pattern in my viewpoints? For the reader, do tell me if you detect the pattern!
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